JT - jussi.coach

Worklife is shaped by technological development, diversifying workforce, and global phenomena.


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Worklife in Shape

Continuous change challenges our way of thinking and acting

In the continously evolving and renewing worklife, our best tool is our own ability to think.
By freeing our minds to use our creative and social intelligence we can consciously make use of our own potential here and now.
How to to activate and free up our own brain power in the midst of overheating worklife, global phenomena and technological development?

The change is made possible with a creative and committed coaching process

Free your capacity by finding direction, meaning and inspiring targets.
Free yourself from the grind by finding by discovering the most meaningful and effective ways to motivate and express yourself in practice.
Free your ability to perform in challenging situations by letting go of negative emotions, stress, and imposter syndrome.
your time and energy for the things you want to do by identifying what energizes you and what drains it.
Read more about the tools

Hello there,

I am Jussi, Certified Business Coach® and MBA.

I want to do my part to develop the working life of today, and future. My goal is to produce well-being at work, productivity and growth.
  • I am a Certified Business Coach®, member of the ICF and EMCC. I am currently working on new certifications with ICF and EMCC.

  • I have worked in the field of coaching since 2019.

  • During my career of 20+ years I have worked as a specialist, manager, and director, I have been an entrepreneur since 2022

  • Check my full reference from LinkedIN

What and why Coaching?

You are the best expert of yourself and your situation, and the enabler of growth.

In a coaching process, we work respecting and supporting the situation and the targets of the coachee. Learning takes place through gaining insights and implementing the insights to practice.

With the help of coaching I want to enable individuals, groups and organizations to free up their capacity and potential to more beneficial use.

To operate on a more pleasant, productive and healthier - sustainable way.


Pyrin aina siihen, että palveluni sekä hintani mukautuvat asiakkaan tarpeen, tilanteen ja budjetin mukaan, joten kysy ja kerro rohkeasti tilanteestasi!

Test Drive - 0 eur
A free coaching session, where you get to try out in practice how coaching works and ideas about what value it could bring to you.

Working Life In Shape program - 2600 eur (216 eur/h)
Coaching program, which includes eight (8 x 90 min = 12h) coaching sessions, excercises and materials. Recommended duration is 6 to 8 months.

ASAP/Ex-tempore Coaching - 90 eur
An individual coaching session where we work on your topic. We meet, agree on the topic and target and see where we can get with the given time. Book a time from my calendar.

All Inclusive - 250 eur/h
Coaching service tailored for individual or organizational needs. If the the agreement is more than 12 hours, the hourly price will be 216 eur.

Why a Test Drive?
The idea of the test drive is to make sure, that we have a common understanding about the service I can provide and what value it can bring to you.

My Working Life in Shape?
Personally customisable coaching program aims to the discovery of a balanced and productivity working life. Wellbeing at work and productivity without the need to give up your goals.

Satisfaction Quaranteed
If you don't feel you get the results you were expecting, then I will not charge you.

Ways of working.
The included sessions can be held as individual, team or group coaching sessions, or webinars or work-shops. I am specialized in individual coaching, so if you some special needs we can also make use of my skilled network and partners.

Prices are VAT 0%, so VAT 24% is added to the prices

Reach out and connect with yourself

Book a test-drive or an appointment from the button below
or make use of the contact information below
and let's talk more of your topics and situation.
Y-tunnus: 3274449-3
Helsinki Metropolitan Area, FI
+358 40 8677 260
Jussi Tolvanen

JT - jussi.coach